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Mountair looks back and moves a step forward at the same time – 25-year anniversary

Mountair AG celebrated 25 years of existence on the 15th June 2018. The last years were celebrated with a large party in the production hall in Kreuzlingen. Customers, partners, friends and all employees were invited to the celebration. After a tour of the company, Max Aeberhard took the floor. In a few sentences, he described the last years, the basic principles and core skills of the company. Warm thanks were given to all the employees who made the company into what it is over the last 25 years. Namely a functional and expanding business that can be given with good conscience to the next generation. Which Max Aeberhard then did, with the words "And from now Malik here is the boss!". Mountair AG has been passed on to the next generation. Malik Aeberhard took the floor and ended the anniversary speech by giving his thanks and warmly inviting everyone to the celebration.

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